The 'SKILLSAFE-EU' project aims at developing an industry-wide guideline across the EU to help manufacturers and installers design, store, transport, install and dispose monobloc heat pumps containing R290 (Propane) as the refrigerant for residential applications. It is the intention to form a joint industry expert group comprising industry leading manufacturers, national and sectoral associations and training institutions to facilitate the creation of such a guideline. Upon drafting, trial trainings involving a network of heat pump installers will be conducted to validate the proposed draft. This presents an opportunity to identify practical improvements to the draft with input from training schools and further strengthen the guideline. The challenges presented in the expert group and observations from the trial trainings and the surveys will be further used to disseminate information.

Skills Enhancement for Safe Handling of Highly Flammable Refrigerants in the EU

Skills Enhancement for Safe Handling of Highly Flammable Refrigerants in the EU
Project information
Name : SKILLSAFE EU - Skills Enhancement for Safe Handling of Highly Flammable Refrigerants in the EU
Overall budget : 1363697 €
EU contribution : 1295512 €
Coordinated by : Daikin Europe
Start date : 01/07/2024 - End date : 30/06/2027
Grant ID : 101167753
Programme (s)
The SKILLSAFE EU project will:
-Produce pan-European guidelines with the contribution of a pool of manufacturers, trainers, and installers, addressing safety issues about the handling of monobloc air to water heat pumps using R-290 as refrigerant.
-Validate the guidelines via trial training sessions of installers in training schools across 5 EU countries, upskilling a total about 100 installers.
-Draft training modules, based on the guidelines, to reskill and upskill all European companies and their employees handling monobloc air-to-water heat pumps with R290 as a refrigerant. Reach out to training schools across Europe to use the guidelines as the basis for new training modules to be translated in different languages.
-Develop an on-site risk assessment check list to be annexed to the guidelines and draft a risk assessment training course.
-Carry out an awareness raising campaign to inform stakeholders (e.g. trainers, installers, building owners, heating contractors, plumbers, certification bodies, EU policy makers and end users) on the safety concern of handling heat-pumps with R-290 as a refrigerant, on the new EU-wide safety rules and guidelines being developed by the project and the new training modules to up-skill installers and other workers handling heat pumps with R-290. The awareness raising campaign will reach approximately 25000 stakeholders.
-Disseminating the results of the project via the project website, conferences, and fairs reaching approximately 3000 end-users.