EHPA turns 25 years old

EHPA turns 25 years old

EHPA's 25th anniversary in 2025
EHPA’s 25th anniversary in 2025

“Oops, I did it again”…

25 years ago, Britney Spears was top of the music charts…

‘Millenium bug’ fears were proved to be unfounded…

The Olympic games took place in Sydney, Australia…

Vladimir Putin became Russian president…

And the European Heat Pump Association was set up!

Originally, EHPA was not a non-profit association (AISBL) under Belgian law but an ‘European Economic Interest Grouping‘. It was set up in Reading, in the UK.

EHPA moved to Brussels in 2007, by which time Thomas Nowak (pictured on the left of the photo) was working there.

It became an ‘association internationale sans but lucrative’ in 2015.

In 2024, EHPA moved to its current offices at Avenue de Cortenbergh 120, 1000 Brussels, counting 30 staff members and around 130 members from across the heat pump sector!