We are shortlisted! Our “Heat Pump” campaign entered the category of Best Communications Campaigns of the European Association Awards

12 Jun 2022

Keep your fingers crossed for us!

We are glad to announce that our long-term campaign raising awareness about heat pumps and their benefits is officially shortlisted in the Best Communications Campaigns of the European Association Awards.

Some years ago, we realized that it was becoming more and more difficult to reach our target groups via facts and technical communication, so we decided to wrap the factual benefits of heat pump technologies into an envelope of emotion and different approach and angles.

Our goal was to make heat pumps appealing on the emotional level, to make them easy to like and to be remembered. We used candies (2014), ice cream flavors (2015, 2017 and 2018) and flowers (2018) to explain the advantages and the main contributions of heat pump to the EU climate and energy targets. Addressing our audience with a mix of the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch) we were able to better stimulate long-term memory, thus making stronger our message in time. In particular, color coded messages were activated  to transmit specific benefits of the heat pump technology. 

2014 – I love HP campaign– Candies and mugs as the medium between MEP’s and heat pumps’ benefits. Coffee mugs (I love heat pump) postcards and a box of candies were sent to all members of the ITRE and ENVI Committees of the European Parliament, in order to introduce to the new MEPs the benefits of the heat pump technology.

2015 – 2017 – 2018 – Ice Cream Activity in EUSEW– This successful initiative is a now a classic during EUSEW. Ice cream was offered to the participants together with an explanation of how heat pumps are linked not only to heating but to cooling as well. The different ice cream flavors were translated into heat pump benefits, each color/flavor corresponded to one benefit.

2018 – Flower campaign – When we started to approach cities as important actors of the energy transition, we identified planting as a metaphor for long-term planning, which is the main characteristic of a city government. Boxes containing six tulip bulbs, which varieties were connected to our color scheme, ware sent to Mayors of the EU capitals, as well as cities that have been using green solutions. Each box included an explanatory postcard that explained the benefits in colour-coded tulips and  invited mayors to contact us for more information about how the heat pumps could contribute to sustainable cities.

As we are proud of the achievements of our heat pump campaign, we are looking forward to the annoucement of the winner during the ceremony of the best European Association Awards 2019 on 28th of March 2019.

Keep your fingers crossed for us!

View the details of the competition here

Press Contact:

Name: Eirini Litina

Mobile: +32 (0) 493525781

Email: eirini.litina@ehpa.org

Twitter: #helloheatpumps

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