Last update: 10 August 2023
The Heat Pump KEYMARK Secretariat is launching the Spotlight campaign, an initiative that attempts to shed light and take a closer look at the heat pump markets of different countries across Europe.
- Market recognition
- Local subsidies
- Market statistics
- Relevant associations and local entities
- National regulation
- Process to get certified
- Market recognition: Heat Pump KEYMARK is fully recognised
- Local subsidies: Die bisherige Förderung des Bundesamtes für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA)
- Market statistics: 236,000 heat pumps sold in 2022 (source: EHPA market report 2022)
- National association: Bundesverband WärmePumpe (BWP) e.V.
- National regulation: “Richtlinie für die Bundesförderung für effiziente Gebäude – Einzelmaßnahmen (BEG EM)”, “Richtlinie für die Bundesförderung für effiziente Gebäude – Wohngebäude (BEG WG)”, “Richtlinie für die Bundesförderung für effiziente Gebäude – Nichtwohngebäude (BEG NWG)”.
- Process to get certified: contact your Certification Body of choice from the list of empowered CBs.
- Contact for inquiries:
- Market recognition: Heat Pump KEYMARK is recognised since January 2023
- Local subsidies: ISDE-subsidy
- Market statistics: +80% growth in heat pump sales in 2022 (source EHPA market report 2022)
- National association: Vereniging Warmtepompen
- National regulation: NTA 8800 (the Dutch method for determining the Energy Performance of Buildings).
- Process to get certified: contact your Certification Body of choice from the list of empowered CBs
- Contact:
- Market recognition: fully recognised through MCS (Keymark certificate numbers can be listed on the MCS database as an option for greater visibility among installers seeking an eligible product).
- Local subsidies: Boiler Upgrade Scheme (This is available nationally as a grant of £5000 for an ASHP, £6000 for a GSHP).
- Market statistics:
Currently in UK: 157,358 ASHP installations 29,231 GSHP installations 1757 ASHP products listed on MCS 496 GSHP products listed on MCS
At end of 2021 in UK: 119,218 ASHP installations 25,127 GSHP installations 1436 ASHP products listed on MCS 658 GSHP products listed on MCS
(source: Bre)
- National association: Heat Pump Association (The main HP association), FETA – Federation of Environmental Trade Association (represents wider technologies in the building sector including HPA).
- National regulation: no national regulations as such, MCS and KEYMARK are recognised and are based on recognised test standards. Neither are compulsory so you can install a non-certificated heat pump by an installer who is not MCS certified but you will not be eligible for national grants (prerequisite to gain access to the grants).
- Process to get certified: contact your Certification Body of choice from the list of empowered CBs.
- Contact:
- Market recognition: Heat pump KEYMARK is recognised to obtain EHPA Quality Label
- Local subsidies: Raus aus Öl und Gas
- Market statistics: +59% market growth in 2022 (source: EHPA market report 2022)
- National association: Wärmpepumpe Austria
- Process to get certified: contact your Certification Body of choice from the list of empowered CBs
- Contact:
- Market recognition: Heat Pump KEYMARK is recognised
- Local subsidies: Clean air, My Electricity, My Heat, Retrofit tax relief
- Market statistics: 120% heat pump market growth in 2022 (source: EHPA market report 2022)
- National association: PORT PC (Polska Organizacja Rozwoju Technologii Pomp Ciepła)
- National regulation: Construction Law Act, 1994 No. 89 item 414 (regulates whether or not a construction permit must be obtained for the heat pump installation).
Geological and Mining Law Act, 2011 No. 163 item 981 (regulates the construction of a vertical ground exchanger).
Water Law Act, 2017 item 1566 (regulates the drilling of groundwater wells, and the use of water for heat pumps).
Act on ozone-depleting substances and certain fluorinated greenhouse gases, 2017, item 1951 (regulates the issue of F-gas refrigerants). - Process to get certified: contact your Certification Body of choice from the list of empowered CBs
- Contact:
- Market recognition: Heat Pump KEYMARK is fully recognised
- Local subsidies: New Green Savings Programme
In the Czech Republic there are 2 subsidy programs related to heat pumps:
New equipment is subsidised if it is the replacement of a very old e.g. cast iron boiler. There is a subsidy of up to 95 % for low-income households and up to 50 % for other households.
“Nová zelená úsporám” (New Green Savings)
A subsidy program focused on energy savings in residential buildings – e.g. facade and roof insulation, replacement of windows, doors, passive standard building construction, solar thermal and photovoltaic systems, green roofs, rainwater storage, ecological heating (heat pumps or local biomass sources), etc.
- Market statistics: 62,609 heat pumps sold in 2022 (source: EHPA market report 2023)
- National association: Czech Heat Pump Association (AVTC)
- National regulations: Act No. 22/1997 Coll. and Government Regulation No. 163/2002 Coll.
- Process to get certified: contact your Certification Body of choice from the list of empowered CBs
- Contact:
- Market recognition: Heat Pump KEYMARK is fully recognised
- Local subsidies: Green for households, Obnov Dom
- Market statistics: over 13,500 heat pumps sold in 2022 (source: EHPA market report 2023)
- National association: Slovak Association for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (SZCHKT)
- Process to get certified: contact your Certification Body of choice from the list of empowered CBs
- Contact:
- Market recognition: Heat Pump KEYMARK is fully recognised
- Local subsidies: MaPrimeRenov and Coup De Pouce chauffage
- Market statistics: over 1.1 million heat pump units sold in 2022 (source: AFPAC)
- National association: AFPAC Association Francaise pour les Pompes à Chaleur
- Process to get certified: contact your Certification Body of choice from the list of empowered CBs
- Contact:
- Market recognition: Heat pump KEYMARK recognised to obtain EHPA Quality Label
- Local subsidies: MyClimate and subsidies per Canton
- Market statistics: over 40,000 units sold in 2022 (source: EHPA market report 2023)
- National association: Swiss HP Association, Fachvereinigung Wärmepumpen Schweiz (FWS)
- National regulation: “energy efficiency regulations” (here) corresponding to EU Ecodesign, federal law “about subsides” here. Beware that every Canton may decide (and therefore has its own regulations) on its own concerning subsidies. The above-mentioned “MyClimate” is sort of a “last resort” if a Canton has no subsidies programme (which is a rare case).
- Process to get certified: contact your Certification Body of choice from the list of empowered CBs
- Contact: