Irene Egea Saiz

Irene Egea Saiz

Irene Egea Saiz

- EU Projects Manager

Irene graduated from Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain) with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations in 2019. In that same year, she joined EHPA as a Communication Assistant. In 2020, she transitioned to EHPA’s EU Projects team. Since February 2023, Irene has served as EU Projects Manager. 

During her time at EHPA, Irene has participated in Horizon Europe and LIFE project proposal submissions and overseen several projects. These include Horizon 2020 Superhomes2030, focusing on upscaling home deep retrofit services in Ireland (Total value: 942.343,75 EUR), and SunHorizon, demonstrating innovative and cost-effective coupling of solar and heat pump technology (Total value: 11.604.927,79 EUR).

She also contributed to the EU Tender Overview of Heating and Cooling, focusing on identifying regulatory, economic, and cultural conditions characterising the heating and cooling sector, with particular attention to district heating and heat pumps (Total value: 332.421 EUR). Additionally, she oversaw three editions of the EHPA’s internal initiative, The Heat Pump Award, recognising outstanding heat pump projects at the local level. Since 2011, the Heat Pump Award has received 293 submissions, coming from 227 cities from 39 different countries in Europe and beyond.

Currently, Irene is managing Horizon Europe’s PUSH2HEAT project, focusing on industrial heat pumps supporting the decarbonisation of the European industry (Total value: 9.739.703,13 EUR), and LIFE’s BETTED project, on boosting the decarbonisation of the supply chain in the dairy sector (Total value: 1.247.633,91 EUR).